Sep 17,2020

5 Tips to ensure a great Telehealth Experience

Telehealth has come of age! Between the COVID pandemic forcing physical distancing or isolation, the maturation of video conference technology such as Zoom and the government and private health insurance introducing rebates for Telehealth items, there has been a boom in healthcare delivered via Telehealth.

Throughout 2020 our team have become experts at running both Telehealth Consultations and Virtual Group Classes. Based on that experience below are our 5 Tips to ensure Great Telehealth Experience.

5 Tips to ensure a great Telehealth experience

  1. Decide in advance which device (phone, laptop, desktop) you are using to attend your session. Modern phones work well as they have good internet access, cameras and are portable. Laptops are generally good for the same reasons. Desktop computers are good for internet access, usually have a decent camera, but aren’t as flexible with positioning the camera for different activities.
  2. Ensure good internet access. Whichever device you choose make sure it has good connectivity to the internet as it will make or break or session. Continual drop-outs on video calls are frustrating and will ruin the experience very quickly.
  3. If it is your first Telehealth sessions then download the app required for Telehealth onto your device. We are using Zoom for our Telehealth meetings. It will download automatically onto your device once you click on your meeting link, however it may delay the start of the session while it downloads and installs. So best to do it beforehand.
  4. Choose a space in your home / work that is quiet and has room to move. You don’t need a huge space, but as part of your Exercise Physiology Telehealth appointment you will be asked to move and perform exercise so you need room to sit, stand, lie on the floor, take a step forward / back or side to side.
  5. Camera angles are important. To get the right camera position its helpful to be able to rest your device at different vantage points. Based on your position and movements we need a good viewing point to be able to see what you are doing lying on the floor, sitting on a chair, or standing up and moving. This is often where desktop computers can be a bit limiting.

Hope to see you in one of our Telehealth or Virtual Group Classes soon!


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